Green Clean Commercial

How Cleaning Needs Change Over the Holidays

With everything you’re trying to wrap up before the holidays, reviewing your commercial cleaning...

6 Signs Your Cleaning Company Is Having Staffing Problems

High employee turnover is running rampant across the service industries right now. We’ve all seen...

How to Avoid Shady Commercial Cleaning Companies

Hiring vendors of any sort comes with a certain amount of risk. Maybe you’ll get lucky and they’ll...

How to Reduce Common Allergies in the Workplace

Enough talk about Covid-19. Let’s talk about allergies!

5 Places to Cut Costs Instead of Your Cleaning Budget

Doing more with less—cutting costs while also increasing revenue—that’s the name of the budget...

Four Places Your Cleaning Crew Forgot to Disinfect

There are many reasons to prioritize hiring a solid commercial cleaning company, but one of the...

4 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Green Cleaning

It may seem like everyone is “going green” these days. (As we should!) Sometimes it’s nothing but a...

CDC Updated Cleaning Guidelines. Again.

It doesn’t look like Covid-19 is going anywhere, much to all of our disappointment. With the Delta...

Knowing When It's Time to Fire Your Cleaning Company

If you’re paying good money to have a clean workspace, there is nothing more frustrating than when...

Two Ways A Poorly Cleaned Office Affects Your Business

Your employees spend more time in their workplace than in any other space, second only to their own...