How Cleaning Needs Change Over the Holidays

With everything you’re trying to wrap up before the holidays, reviewing your commercial cleaning regimen might not be on your radar. However, many things are shifting this time of year—weather, special gatherings, and attendance, to name a few—and your cleaning needs may fluctuate accordingly.

Consider these five holiday circumstances which could affect when and how your cleaning crew does their job…

Festive Decorations: Whether it be window paint, moldy pumpkins, or strings of lights, these decorations will undoubtedly get in the way of your cleaning team’s usual procedures. Maybe you’ll want to space out your window cleanings to preserve the snowflakes painted upon them. Or you may need more frequent vacuuming to keep pine needles from your live tree in check. 

Holiday Parties: If you host an onsite party for your staff, chances are it will leave a bit more mess than usual. There may be wrapping paper from gift exchanges, leftovers from food and drink, spills, and even some additional decorations. You may want to schedule an on-demand cleaning appointment, in addition to your regular schedule.

Inclement Weather: There’s no quicker way to dirty an entryway than to have muddy slush tracked in during a snowstorm. Not only can it create a slip hazard if not cleaned and dried properly, but the salt or ice melt used on sidewalks can discolor carpeting if left too long. If you know there’s a large storm coming at midday, it would be a good idea to connect with your janitorial crew and make sure they’re ready to take action.

Common Illnesses: When temperatures drop, we tend to stay indoors, causing common spaces to become infested with germs. Your mind probably goes straight to Covid-19 these days, but the flu and other colds haven’t disappeared. Thorough cleaning can keep your employees healthy and productive throughout the winter months. (More on tricky places you should be disinfecting here.)

Holiday Closures: If employees aren’t coming into the office between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, it’s the perfect time for your cleaning crew to do a deep clean. Dust off those difficult-to-reach light fixtures, shampoo carpets, clean air ducts, and move desks to sweep underneath. By making the most of this time, you’ll reduce the impact on your operations.

Which of these circumstances apply to your business? 

Connecting with your commercial cleaning company early will give them time to prepare for these variables, adjusting schedules and staffing as needed. The last thing you want is to miss an important meeting because you’re busy mopping up melting snow in the lobby.

Not happy with your current provider? With the opportunity to solidify your cleaning partner for the New Year during this downtime, we’d love to give you a quote for your holiday and upcoming cleanings. Click below to get a quote in under 10 minutes!

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