Hiring vendors of any sort comes with a certain amount of risk. Maybe you’ll get lucky and they’ll live up to their promises, but if you’re not, mediocre service will be the least of your concerns. A dishonest vendor could even be a scam, lying about their credentials and putting you and your clients at risk.
The stakes might seem lower when it comes to a commercial cleaning company, but remember, your cleaning crew will likely have unsupervised access to your office space, including desktop computers and hard copy storage of sensitive information. And in Covid times, you want to make sure that you’re getting the disinfection services that you’re paying for.
Below we’ve put together some questions you can use to weed out those shady cleaning companies before it’s too late.
What is their online presence like?
The obvious place to start is with Google and Better Business Bureau (BBB) reviews. Do they have any at all? Are they positive?
Another way to get the inside scoop on a vendor is by looking at their social media profiles. See if they have many followers and what people are saying in the comments of their posts. Having an active Instagram isn’t a requirement for a commercial cleaning company, but getting an overall feel for their digital presence is a great way to peek behind the curtain.
What cleaning chemicals do they use?
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Many of the traditional cleaning products contain bleach and other harmful ingredients that aren’t great for your people or the environment. Get a list of the products they use and do some research to see if they’re likely to cause adverse side effects. There are better options out there. Are they using them?
Do they prioritize green cleaning?
This can refer to the products being used by the vendor in question, but it also extends across their entire approach to cleaning. A green cleaning company will embody the “reduce, reuse, and recycle” adage. Do they use paper towels or reusable rags? Do they recycle the plastic bottles their cleaning solutions came in?
Are they registered, bonded, and insured?
Here’s where it gets serious. We won’t go too into detail on each of these terms, but you’ll want to verify all three. They essentially mean your business will be protected in the event of something being broken or stolen, or a personal injury to someone on the cleaning crew. You don’t want to be liable for their actions while they’re on your property.
Do they hire their own employees or do they hire subcontractors?
If a commercial cleaning company uses subcontractors, that could be a huge red flag. It adds a layer of separation between the company you’ve hired and the people actually providing the service. Employees tend to be more thoroughly trained, have direct oversight, and adhere to quality control processes.
Can they provide references of previous or current clients?
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Many companies are reluctant to discuss what vendors they’ve used, so it can be difficult for a commercial cleaning company to compile a long list of references for prospects to contact. However, it’s a very good sign when references are offered to you as part of the sales process.
The best way to avoid all this hassle is to hire vendors based on personal referrals, but that isn’t always possible. Cover your bases by getting answers to the six questions above and avoid the risks associated with shady commercial cleaning companies.
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