Mobile Apps Are Changing the Cleaning Game

It seems like there’s an app for every aspect of your business these days, why should your cleaning...

Knowing When It's Time to Fire Your Cleaning Company

If you’re paying good money to have a clean workspace, there is nothing more frustrating than when...

Two Ways A Poorly Cleaned Office Affects Your Business

Your employees spend more time in their workplace than in any other space, second only to their own...

9 Things Not to Do When Hiring a New Cleaning Company

Having a working space that looks, feels, and is well-cleaned is more important than ever, and you...

3 Ways to Ensure Employees Feel Safe Returning to Work

As vaccine distribution continues, it’s becoming safer and safer for your workforce to return to...

Re-Opening in the Midst of a Labor Shortage

How Cleaning Industry Leaders have Adapted as Americans Return to Work As America reacted to...

Industry Cleaning Concerns - How Major Industries Have Shifted Cleaning Protocols

Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve hit a one-year anniversary of living and working amidst the...

3 Key Components Your Cleaning Provider Could Be Missing

If you're looking to work with a cleaning provider, don't overlook these 3 key components providers...

Spotlight on Sustainable Sanitation for Earth Day 2021

With Earth Day quickly approaching, there is no better time to highlight the profound impact that...

5 Questions to Ask Your Cleaning Service Provider

Maintaining a certain level of cleanliness at your business is a hot topic these days. If you...